10 Things Hiatus

You might have noticed a distinct lack of additions to the 10 Things series so far in 2022. At first, I missed January because a friend passed away and I was not in the right head space to write one. In February, one of my children was sick (stomach bug) and so I had other priorities. In March, I was sick (flu followed by bronchitis) and couldn’t muster the energy to do much of anything. Which brings us to April.

Here’s the honest truth: I’m a hot mess and I’m still not caught up from when I got behind on everything while I was sick last month. I wear a lot of hats in my daily life, and a lot of them didn’t get worn during the entire month of March. I haven’t had time to plan or research a post.

Next month, my kids will be wrapping up the school year (we let out for summer break in May where I live), and I will attend several performances and activities that revolve around that. Both of my sons are also playing baseball this year, my husband is coaching both of their teams (which makes me Team Mom by default) and also has a small role in a local community theater production. We also have a trip with family coming at the end of the month that I have to prepare for (not just packing, but getting things ready for our temporary absence so I don’t fall behind all over again).

I have no idea what the summer will bring, but my calendar is a color coded rainbow of “When am I supposed to get to that” throughout June and July.

As you can see, 2022 came in like a lion and shows no signs of lambhood yet. So I’ll be taking a general blog hiatus for a bit because something’s gotta give and this is the thing that will have the least effect on others. Hopefully, this will give me some time to think of some really great topics to share or even get a few guest posters to share some things!

I hope to see y’all in August. Wish me luck with my first world problems!

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